Evolving Project Strategic Thinking: Breaking Free from Insular Decision Making

Ethan Morales

Ethan Morales

Re-evaluating Strategic Thinking in Project Management

In the wake of the pandemic, organizations all over the globe are realigning their strategic thinking, decision-making and resource allocation processes to maximize efficiency and impact. One such organization shared its ride, akin to a car forgetting its steering wheel and gears, and how it unfolded through the eyes of their Chief Experience Officer, Sandy.

Driving in First Gear: Limiting Resources and Possibilities

Often when project teams face challenges or have to make strategic decisions, they limit their possibilities by only considering in-house resources. This mindset, possibly a residue from the pandemic era, embodies scarcity and insularity. It overlooks the most suitable solutions, instead of working within the confines of available resources.

When some companies revived post-pandemic, they struggled to shift their thinking back to leveraging external resources. This blind-spot limited their strategic and customer experience possibilities. It also directly influenced their financial health, alerting the top-tier management.

Shifting Gears: The Power of Project Management as a Service (PMaaS)

Project decision-makers are continually making choices – from the project’s conception to completion. Allowing oneself access to all available solutions while making these choices is crucial. This is where Project Management as a Service (PMaaS) – an under-utilized, cost-effective model for project delivery – demonstrates its full potential.

Stoneseed, with its team of Project Management and Technical Professionals, provides on-demand resourcing through a flexible model, while also facilitating remote access. It’s an agile alternative for companies limited by a tunnel-vision focus on in-house resources.

Eye on the Prize: Decoding Strategic Decision-Making

Strategic decision-making primarily involves focussing on the goal. Identifying best decision-making practices involves understanding the ‘why’, picking the best ‘how’, and eliminating unnecessary options that might look like good choices but aren’t optimal for your project.

There’s a vast universe of possibilities in ‘as a Service’ resourcing. If, for instance, your usual method is a waterfall and you’ve never applied a hybrid or Agile methodology, or had a Business Analyst review your project, your decision-making is likely not as effective as it could be.

Revving Up: Accelerating Decision-Making in Projects

With the world sped up, decisions also need to be faster. Thought-provoking decision strategies like Gareth’s “All Fingers and Thumbs” plan have emerged. His six-step plan, enabled by using a handy mnemonic, make strategic decisions speedy and effective.

The steps include visualizing the problem and solution, gathering information, understanding potential consequences, committing to the decision, evaluating the decision’s progress, and analyzing what worked well and what didn’t.

Changing Lanes: Evolving Decision-Making in Project Management

Project Management as a Service might be a game-changer for strategic decision-making in your Projects. Whether it’s some input on strategy, methodology, or even welcoming a Business Analyst via Business Analysis as a Service to align your Projects with business needs, Workcase’s diversified project management toolset is designed to cater to these requirements.

At Workcase, we provide advanced features like tasks and goals, Gantt and Kanban visualization, and effective client relations management, making your project management experience more streamlined and efficient.


In conclusion, companies can significantly benefit from reconsidering their decision-making strategies and leveraging available resources, such as PMaaS. Workcase’s project management tool and its wide range of features provide a vast reservoir of help in this area. By embracing PMaaS and improving strategic decision-making, organizations gear up for a smoother drive towards success in their project management landscape.

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